Weinbergweg 19-21,
2440 Gramatneusiedl
43 676 7147315, hotel@hotelmaria.at
Lake Neusiedl is one of the few steppe lakes in Europe, the reed belt and the surrounding vineyards give it a special character. If you drive over the Leitha Mountains, the last foothills of the Alps, you immediately notice the mild climate of the Pannonian lowlands, which is particularly beneficial for viticulture. How about a wine tasting every Friday afternoon at the Johann Schlösinger winery in our town? There you can taste the wines from the vineyards in Oggau and Rust. The wines are also available in our wine fridge at reception.
What would summer be without the cultural highlights around Lake Neusiedl, such as the Mörbisch lake festival or the opera festival in the St. Margarethen quarry. By the way, you can explore the sandstone from the quarry at our mariaAPPARTMENTS.
Austria's smallest state capital has its own special flair. Joseph Hadyn left numerous traces as Prince Esterhazy's bandmaster.
12 km from the HOTELMARIA is the Mannersdorf Desert Nature Park at the foothills of the Leitha Mountains.
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Emperor Franz Josef's throne in 1888, the imperial oak was planted in the Leitha Mountains. Right next door is the Kaiser Franz Josef Warte with a view of the Vienna Basin and the Pannonian Plain with Lake Neusiedl.
Mörbisch Lake Festival
Opera in the St. Margarethen quarry
Summer arena Baden
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